Kyp still shoulda been able to defend himself. Im not sure if even Jaina has any force feats that would surpass that, never mind kenth. "Your re keeping that up with the force?" In utter darkness, mara couldnt see what Jaina was doing, but she did hear a plaintative ow!. The noise went on, like a powerful waterfall, for several age long seconds. She kept the presence of mind to extinguish her lightsaber.

As rock dust choked off the light ahead and behind her, she pushed Jaina down, fell on her, and pushed out with the force. She split a dozen with her lightsaber.īut they fell too thickly. Mara pushed Jaina ahead if her, reaching deep inside herself, trying to divert each stone as it fell. All around them ceiling, walls of soft rock crumbled. She waved jaina toward the tunnel, crying Run! A chunk of stone hit the floor beside her. "Three retorts like richocheting projectile shots sounded overhead. U have Mara below streen, leia, kenth and cilghal? A woman who caught and held an entire large, underground chamber collapsing on top of her, while weakend from the Vong virus, and cracking jokes while holding it.